446 W Woodford Street | Missoula
This listing has 2 individual homes on one lot in a very desirable neighborhood. This is an excellent purchase for buyers wanting: - Rental investment income - Student housing - Mother-in-Laws housing - Occupy one home and rent the other to reduce mortgage One home is at 446 Woodford and has 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms with basement - over 2100 square feet. The other home is 320 Beckwith and has 3 bedrooms and 1 bathrooms with upstairs - 828 total square feet. These homes are in desirable SLANT STREETS, BETWEEN BROOKS, AND STEPHENS, WITHIN WALKING / BIKING DISTANCE TO DOWNTOWN, THE HIP STRIP, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA. Missoula Planning and Zoning confirms the lot cannot be split but the homes can be converted to condominiums. Woodford is currently rented with Veritas Property Management through May 2025. The Beckwith home has long-term renters on a monthly lease. $954,000 is for the purchase of 2 homes on one lot. MTR 30038539
Directions to property: Located at the corner of Woodford and Beckwith